Scientific Dissemination


The VAS PhD School organizes three types of scientific dissemination events, which have the dual purpose of dissemination and training. In fact, through these events the PhD students:

  • disseminate the results of their research.
  • Acquire new knowledge through participation in lessons on topics characterizing the VAS doctorate school, held by invited scientists.
  • Learn how to organize a scientific dissemination event, actively participating in the organization of the events, assisted by the college teachers.
  • Do networking by interacting with colleagues and researchers, both from the Department and external to it.

The three main forms of dissemination events are:

VAS Seminars

The VAS Seminars – Monthly seminars (approximately from December to July) whose organization is entrusted to the PhD students themselves, assisted by the coordinator and one/two professors of the PhD school.
The Coordinator and Professors dictate the general guidelines and give support, if necessary, to the organization of the seminars.
The students are divided into groups based on the topic of their research (approximately 7/8 students per group).
At the beginning of the academic year, a tentative calendar is drawn up in which the week in which each VAS seminar will be held is identified.
Subsequently, the PhD students finalize the date of the event, define the program and the flyer for dissemination, contact the session chairs, book the classroom, interact with the Department staff for the dissemination of the event, organize the coffee break, etc.
During the seminars, the PhD students present the progress of their research projects.
The participation of invited speakers is also foreseen, whenever possible.

VAS Talks

The VAS Talks – Lectures or workshops proposed and organized by the coordinator and/or professors of the PhD school, and held by expert researchers in the field of the themes characterizing the doctoral school.
Their frequency and organization depend on the availability of the invited experts.

VAS Days

The VAS Days – They consist of a real scientific congress on an annual basis (organized over 2/3 days of September corresponding to the European researchers’ night) in which doctoral students present their research in the form of oral communications at a scientific conference.
Expert researchers, both from the academic and non-academic world, are invited and have the task of holding main lectures in the various sessions and being moderators.
The representatives of the PhD students collaborate with the Coordinator, the Professors of the school and the administrative staff for the organizational phase, including coordination with all the doctoral students at the school.


All dissemination events are open to all members (teaching and non-teaching) of the Department and to ungraduated and master’s students of the faculty.