The aim of this project is to carry on comprehensive study of the presence and relevance of antibiotic and emerging contaminants residues in different food of animal origin using the most advanced mass spectrometry techniques in order to guarantee food safety. The food chains involved in this project will be pork, poultry, bovine and fish supply chain.
We will use our Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry platform for the analysis, using omics approaches describing the influence of contaminants on the overall profile of metabolites of the biological matrix of interest and untarget analysis approaches in order to identify new metabolites or fraudulently used drugs thus extending the range of controlled and controllable substances.
Dalia Curci has a Master’s Degree in Clinical, Forensic Chemistry and Doping Control (University of Turin).
Her Experimental Thesis was carried out at “Luigi Lavazza S.p.A“ on the study of the morphological characteristics of ground coffee through Dynamic Image Analysis (DIA). She worked first as a graduate student and then with a fellow in the laboratory for the analysis of food of animal origin. PhD project title: “Xenobiotics and emerging contaminants analysis in foods of animal origin: advanced technologies for food safety purposes”.
She has a deep interest in Analytical Chemistry applied to food security.
She will use the Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry platform for the analysis of both target veterinary drugs and contaminants and the untarget approach of metabolites in order to identify illicit drug uses by improving the controls among the different food chains.
Publications: Orcid ; IRIS-AIR
Supervisor Prof. Sergio Ghidini
Co-supervisor Dr.ssa Tamil Selmi Sundaram