Transfusion controversies
The PhD school in Veterinary and Animal Sciences is pleased to invite you to the second VAS Talk which will be delivered by Professor Marie-Claude Blais, Université de Montréal (CANADA) titled “Transfusion controversies”.
The Talk will be organize in a morning talk (Transfusion controversies) 9-13 am room L03 Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, University of Milan, Lodi Campus, via dell’Università 6, Lodi) and in a afternoon practical session (Practical transfusion medicine) 14-17 pm, LLABCHIM2.
The morning sesison will cover the following topics:
- What’s new in canine blood types and pre-transfusion compatibility testing.
- Update on feline blood typing and its clinical impact.
- Blood compatibility in other species: bovines, equines, ferrets…and even foxes!
- To crossmatch or not to crossmatch?
In the afternoon practical session, the participants will have the opportunity to analyze blood groups and perform cross-matching with different methods of cat, dog and/or horse blood samples.
Important Note: While the morning session is open to everyone and does not requires any registration, The attendance to the afternoon session requires a registration.
Please contact Professor Eva Spada by email to eva.spada@unimi.it to enroll in the afternoon session no later than May 20th 2024.
Marie-Claude Blais, DMV, DACVIM (Small Animal Internal Medicine), Fellow Transfusion Medicine.