Bernini Francesca

Animal genetic resources: genomic variability and association analysis with economic traits in livestock populations.

The aims of the project (GenBio) are:

I) to identify the genomic variants that influence disease resistance traits with a specific focus on mastitis;
II) to study the genomic structural variants proprietary of local cattle breeds;
III) to identify candidate genes for resilience and efficiency traits in the population under differential selection, in different environments, and with diverse attitudes.

The project will use as a source of information-dense SNP markers, WGS data, EBVs, and phenotypes collected on the farm. EBVs and phenotypes will be used in GWAS analyses. The genomic structural variation characterized in cosmopolitan and local breeds farmed in agroecological environments will be screened for variants and genomic features relevant toresilience and efficiency traits.
GenBio will impact genomic selection in dairy and double-purpose cattle, allowing to inform the breeders’ associations’ ongoing selection programs.
The large availability of genomic information on female populations of cattle breeds (cosmopolitan and autochthonous) coupled with phenotypes available from precision farming technologies (e.g., milking robots) opens new opportunities in disclosing the genetic basis of efficiency and resilience traits as well as studying the population genomic variability. The study of the genomic differences between highly selected breeds and local cattle populations provides a novel source of information to reveal the genomic components of resilience end efficiency traits.

Master degree in Scienze e Tecnologie delle Produzioni Animali at the University of Milan (UNIMI).
Thesis on the analysis of the genetic variability and inbreeding in one Holstein farm in the province of Milan – the GENORIP project.
Stage in the laboratory of Genomics of the University of Milan (UNIMI).
Currently: PhD student representative in the Department Council of DIVAS and of XXXVII° cycle in Veterinary and Animal Science PhD students.
Deep interest in genomics and population genetics.

Publications: OrcidScopusIRIS-AIR

Supervisor Prof. Alessandro Bagnato

Bernini Francesca
Staff Information
Ciclo/Class 37°
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