Identification and characterisation of potentially novel herpesviruses in vertebrate species.
The project aims to identify and characterize potentially novel gamma-herpesviruses in breeding and zoological species, which could be a source of possible epizootic disease.
The Early Stage Researcher (ESR) will investigate gamma-herpesvirus infection in Artiodactylaspecies that cause a potential disease threat in non-adapted hosts.
As a first approach, a nested pan-herpesvirus PCR will be used.
Using a combination of degenerate and inosine-substituted primers, this method targets the herpes viral DNA polymerase (DPOL) gene.
The PCR will be followed by fragment purification, Sanger sequencing, and bioinformatic analysis to attribute the detected sequence to the correct viral species.
As a further approach, the ESR will develop a new PCR assay to extend the length of the viral sequences available, to improve the characterization and phylogenetic studies of these viruses.
The information obtained from this study iscrucial for controlling the gamma-herpesviruses spread and developing effective preventive strategies.
B.Sc. in Veterinary Biotechnology at the University of Milan (UNIMI).
Master thesis on setting up a quantitative ELISA protocol assay to detect specific anti-botulinum toxin immune response in the horse.
M.Sc. in Veterinary Biotechnology Sciences at the University of Milan (UNIMI).
Master thesis on in vitro Toll-like receptors expression in stimulated bovine PBMCs.
Deep interest in molecular biology, microbiology, and immunology.
Publications: Orcid ; Scopus ; IRIS-AIR
Supervisor Prof. Renata Piccinini
Co-supervisor Prof. Lauretta Turin