Bristi Sabiha Zarin Tasnim

Automated instrumental evaluation of body fluids cellular composition in different animal species

Cell analysis of body fluids (i.e. blood, cavitary effusions, cerebrospinal and synovial fluids) provides clinicians with relevant information regarding patient health conditions. Manual cell counting is time-consuming and labor intensive and may suffer from poor reproducibility and high inter-observer variability. All these pitfalls would be overcome by the use of an automated cell counter that, in turn, may be subject to poor precision and accuracy at low cell counts and reduced reliability in cell identification of some animal species. In veterinary clinical pathology, the evaluation of analytical performances is the first step to assess the reliability of instruments and methods. Specifically, the definition of hematological reference intervals in farm, wild, and exotic species, the correct identification of circulating metarubricytes and platelets, an accurate count and differential of nucleated cells in poorly cellular fluids such as CSF and synovial fluid and the definition of characteristics of effusion samples may represent an important challenge before to recommend a clinical use of this information.
The aim of this project is to evaluate the analytical performances of a latest generation laser hematology analyser (Sysmex XN-V) on different body fluids from a variety of animal species. Specifically, accuracy and precision of automated counts concerning circulating metarubricytes and platelets and body fluids nucleated cells in dogs and cats will be investigated, as well as the assessment of hematological reference intervals in farm, wild and exotic species (e.g. rabbits, deer, zoo animals) will be investigated.

A veterinarian who graduated from Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU), Bangladesh in 2018.
MSc in Surgery from CVASU in 2021; MSc thesis titled “Comparison of maintenance anesthesia with propofol and halothane combined with fentanyl CRI during ovariohysterectomy in cats”.
Worked as a Molecular Biologist at the COVID-19 Detection Lab at CVASU in 2020.
Worked as an Assistant Surgeon on a project for effective control of the dog population at CVASU in 2019-20.
Worked as an Anesthesiologist and Assistant Surgeon at Teaching Veterinary Hospital, CVASU from 2019-21.
Worked as a Veterinary Surgeon at PAW Life Care (People for Animal Welfare Foundation), Dhaka, Bangladesh from 2022-23.

Publications: Orcid ; IRIS-AIR

Supervisor Prof. Alessia Giordano

Co-supervisor Prof. Stefano Comazzi

Bristi Sabiha Zarin Tasnim
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Ciclo/Class 39°
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