Facchin Alessia

Approccio One health al fenomeno dell’antibiotico resistenza: ruolo degli animali da compagnia nella diffusione di ceppi batterici antibiotico-resistenti.

Dottorati PON – Bando 2021 – Ciclo 37 (XXXVII) –  DM 1061 del 10 agosto 2021

Azione IV.4 – Dottorati e contratti di ricerca su tematiche dell’innovazione

Azione IV.5 – Dottorati su tematiche Green

The complex problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in veterinary medicine has been investigated mainly by quantification and genetic characterization of drug-resistant bacteria in livestock because antibiotics are widely used in food-producing animals. However, AMR may also be observed in companion animals that share the same environment, lifestyle, and, eventually, drugs with their owners.

A recent pilot study carried out by our research group at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (OVU) of Lodi, funded by the University of Milan UNIMI (Piano di Sostegno alla Ricerca 2019), showed the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (methicillin-resistant staphylococci – MRS- or Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-ESBLproducing bacteria) in 22% of 225 samples collected from dogs and cats, that were mainly apparently clinically healthy.

This research will focus on the following:

1) collection of samples from animals from different environments (e.g., animals housed in kennels or breeding farms), different territories, or from owners belonging to different risk categories;
2) diagnosis and genetic characterization of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria;
3) investigation in positive animals of alteration of hematological parameters to be proposed as biomarkers of antimicrobial resistance.

The research program is part of the PhD programs based on the European Green deal objectives andis carried out in collaboration with PRIMA Lab SA.

The PhD student will be enrolled in the University of Milan, Italy (UNIMI) under the supervision of Dr. Stefania Lauzi.

MSc in Veterinary Biotechnology Science at the University of Milan (UNIMI).
Master thesis on the role of microRNA as molecular orchestrators of inflammatory response against Staphylococcus aureus in an in vitro bovine PBMC model.
Deep interest in antimicrobial resistance.

Publications: Orcid ; IRIS-AIR

Supervisor Prof. Stefania Lauzi

Facchin Alessia
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Ciclo/Class 37°
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