Monferini Noemi

Dottorati PON – Bando 2021 – Ciclo 37 (XXXVII) – DM 1061 del 10 agosto 2021
Azione IV.4 – Dottorati e contratti di ricerca su tematiche dell’innovazione
Azione IV.5 – Dottorati su tematiche Green

Biodiversity preservation and maternal inheritance of cattle breeds at risk of genetic erosion and extinction.

In mammals, the pool of resting primordial follicles is the source of developing follicles and fertilizable ova for the entire length of the female reproductive life. One question that has intrigued biologists is: what are the mechanisms controlling the activation of dormant primordial follicles and the development of the preantral follicle population? Studies from previous decades have laid a solid yet incomplete foundation. The present study, part of the “InfinitEGG” project (PRIN2020) that involves five academic research institutions coordinated by UNIMI, aims to provide robust and reliable in vitro culture protocols to support the development of oocytes from follicles at the early stages of development. This goal will be achieved through a multi-step approach where, as in a “relay race”, completing one step is preparatory for the following steps, starting from the primordial follicle stage in the bovine animal model. Optimizing culture protocols will allow greater exploitation of the ovarian reserve, enhancing female fertility preservation and reproductive efficiency.
Cutting-edge technologies, such as proteomics and mRNA/miRNA profile, and the multidisciplinary approach will significantly improve ART efficiency in animal breeding, conservation of resources of high genetic value and biodiversity, and human medicine.
The Candidate, being part of the PON doctorate program, will participate in the RedBioLab network’s training activities and attend an appointment in the Laboratory of advanced technologies for animal reproduction and biotechnological research Avantea Srl.

Bachelor’s degree in Breeding and Animal Welfare (Faculty of  Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan UNIMI, Italy).
Master’s degree in Veterinary Biotechnology (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan UNIMI, Italy).
During my master’s degree, I followed a traineeship in animal reproduction (Faculty of  Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan UNIMI, Italy) focused on the role of extracellular vesicles in improving fertility in bulls with low fertility. During this time, I matured a deep interest in reproductive biology and fertility, focusing on the mechanisms involved in intercellular communication and gamete development. It was very stimulating to begin to approach the study of these processes, for which I matured more and more passion, thanks also to the PON doctoral program that will allow me to approach the world of research in academic and enterprise environments.

Publications: OrcidIRIS-AIR

Supervisor Prof. Alberto Maria Luciano

Monferini Noemi
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