Cryobanking of testicular tissue in feline animal model for male germplasm rescue.
Testicular tissue banking is a new and experimental technology for fertility preservation that can be applied to precious/endangered animals especially indicated when sperm atozo a collection is not possible, such as in prepubertal individuals , in those who die unexpectedly or when gonadotoxic therapies are prescribed.
The main goal of the research project is to establish successful tissue banking protocols for testicular tissues in feline models.
This will involve the development of an efficient cryopreservation protocol for testicular tissue associated with in vitro culture for functional evaluation. The endpoints are histology, immunohistochemistry, and spent media analysis.
This will contribute to improvements and advances in the preservation of male germplasm and to gain knowledge in the field of in vitro spermatogenesis.
PhD student at Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, University of Milan (UNIMI), Italy.
MSc in Medical Biotech and Molecular Medicine from the University of Bari (UNIBA), Italy.
BSc in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology from the University of Bari (UNIBA), Italy.
Master’s thesis in Reproductive Biotechnology on the combined and independent effects of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and cadmium on oocyte maturation in the prepubertal ovine model (UNIBA), Italy.
Bachelor thesis in Histology and Organ Structure on the effect of polyphenols on osteoclast formation (UNIBA), Italy.
I am interested in the conservation of biodiversity .
Publications: Orcid
Supervisor Prof. Gaia Cecilia Rita Luvoni
Co-supervisor Prof. Martina Colombo