Zeni Niko Gioacchino

Biodiversity, welfare and sustainability in poultry production: using bread by-products as a sustainable source in Italian poultry breeds.

Sustainable food production requires sustainable feed ingredients but, at the same time, alternatives to conventional feed resources must meet the animal’s nutritional requirements ensuring their health and welfare.
From a circular economy perspective, the present project wants to test the effects of bread waste products (BWPs), by-products of the bakery industry, as alternative ingredients in the diet for Italian breeds, specifically Milanino, Mericanel della Brianza and Bionda Piemontese. Different inclusions of BWPs will be employed in different trials, to identify the optimal inclusion level into diets for chickens and hens, based on birds’ growth, reproductive performance, welfare parameters, slaughtering performances, meat and egg quality.
This project will impact the bread waste demonstrating that can successfully replace some ingredients in the diet of broilers and hens, either partially or completely, with the advantage of reducing feed costs and subsequently production costs.

Bachelor’s degree in “Animal Husbandry and Welfare” at the University of Milan (UNIMI) – October 2017 – June 2021Thesis on the husbandry and welfare of the parrots.
Master’s degree in “Science and Technology of Animal Production” at the University of Milan (UNIMI) – October 2021 – July 2023.
Thesis on the analysis of the egg quality in Piedmont’s poultry breeds.
PhD student of 39° cycle in “Veterinary and Animal Science” at the University of Milan (UNIMI) – October 2023 – currently
Deep interest in innovative poultry systems and biodiversity’s conservation of the avian breeds.

Publications: Orcid

Supervisor Prof. Luisa Zaniboni

Co-supervisor Prof. Silvia Cerolini

Zeni Niko Gioacchino
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Ciclo/Class 39°
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