Imaging strategies for the diagnosis of ocular and visual complications following head trauma in cat.
The feline patient is often subjected to head and facial trauma, which frequently involves eye damage of different severity. There are several diagnostic techniques available to investigate the eye (X-RAY, US, CT, MRI, OCT), each with advantages and disadvantages, but often ocular damage, especially in the context of a polytrauma, is left aside because of more serious injuries to vital organs. The natural consequence of this delay in ophthalmological assessment can be enucleation, due to the worsening of the untreated ocular damage, but often also due to lack of knowledge. Enucleation, however, is a very impactful choice on the quality of life of our patients, so the main aim of this study is to investigate non-invasive ocular imaging techniques in traumatized feline patients, to help ophthalmologist’s and owner’s decision-making process, managing to choose the best therapeutic option in terms of impact on the patient’s quality of life.
Collaboration for the provision of medical assistance and support to the management of the 24h Veterinary First Aid/intensive care service in the small animals unit of the Teaching Veterinary Hospital (OVU) from June 2020 to September 2023.
Internship period in the Teaching Veterinary Hospital (OVU) at the University of Milan (UNIMI).
Master Degree in Veterinary Medicine at University of Milan (UNIMI) in May 2019 with a thesis on the role of diagnostic imaging in the evaluation of mammary neoplasms and sentinel lymph nodes.
Deep interest in first and second level diagnostic imaging techniques.
Publications: Orcid
Supervisor Prof. Mauro Di Giancamillo
Co-supervisor Prof. Chiara Giudice