
Nanomedicine, a journey across different scientific disciplines

The PhD school in Veterinary and Animal Sciences is happy to announce a new initiative called the ”VAS Talks“, where visiting and invited scientists delivers main lectures in the field of Veterinary and Animal Sciences.
Within this initiative, we are pleased to invite you to the first VAS Talk which will be delivered by Dr. Sabrina Marcazzan  from the Translational Imaging Group, Bielefeld University, Germany,  on ‘Nanomedicine, a journey across different scientific disciplines.
Dr. Marcazzan graduated in Veterinary Medicine in 2015 at our university. During her Ph.D. at the Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Science of our University, she did a research period at the Department of Nanomedicine, Houston Methodist Research Institute, Houston, US. There, she evaluated a nanomedicine-based therapy (Xu et al, Nat Biotechnol. 2016) against oral cancer lung metastases and worked with mouse models of metastatic oral cancer. After her Ph.D., she investigated the use of fluorescently-labelled targeted peptides and small molecule inhibitors for the early diagnosis of esophageal adenocarcinoma at the Helmholtz Zentrum Munich in Germany and the use of oncolytic viruses for cancer immunotherapy at the Medical University of Innsbruck. She joined as a researcher the Department of Clinical Radiology at the Medical School of Bielefeld University, Germany focused on the preclinical development and validation of imaging modalities for cancer research. She is currently visiting scientist at the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences – DIVAS.
For those that cannot attend in person the meeting will be also hosted on the VAS  Microsoft Teams and can be accessed via the following link:{“Tid”%3a”13b55eef-7018-4674-a3d7-cc0db06d545c”%2c”Oid”%3a”bb76082c-c2ea-4ec9-8c23-447c461b4837”}

The talk will be held on Thursday, 21st  March 2024 at 9:30 am CET in Room L103, Department of Veterinary medicine and Animal Sciences, University of Milan, Lodi Campus, via dell’Università 6, Lodi

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